An album from the Facebook page that we wanted to share with you on Her day:
“¿How do we love Her? Let us count the ways…”
From ¡Viva Guadalupe!, posted by Mexico Lindo Mercado y Galeria de Artesanias on 12/11/2009 (29 items)
- We love her in Huichol beaded style
- in Oaxacan miniature
- in Oaxacan Barro Negro
- in painted terra cotta from Guerrero
- in nichos
- in T-shirts
- in extra fancy nichos, too!
- in printed canvas reproductions
- in limited edition mini prints
- in papier mache from Guerrero
- in a one of kind wooden tray by Bertha Cruz of Oaxaca
- in the center of a cross of milagros and wood
- in tin relief
- in natural flowers and pewter
- in barro negro once again
- in barro polichromatico from Izucar by Maestro Alfonso Castillo
- in paint on tin
- in wood from Guerrero
- in tin
- on printed bandanas
- on printed papel amate
- In pewter and natural flowers
- Arbol de la Vida Guadalupe by Maestro Jose Luis Serrano of Metepec
- Nicho fino
- Papel picado by Maestro Alejandro Hernandez, of Metepec
- Bamboo curtain, Vietnam
- a vision of Our Lady in black porcelain and sterling silver by Maestra Emilia Castill…
- necklace detail
- a gloriouswearable talisman in sterling, garnets and baroque freshwater pearls
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